About us
Welcome at Electrodiagnosi.gr
Our customer is our priority!!
Our new modern facilities in Stavroupoli, Thessaloniki, with easy access from the Ring Road, East and West of the city and the Prefecture, aim to serve our customer with the best possible satisfaction. The company is located at 158 Oreokastrou str., 150 meters from the ring road, just after the Stavroupoli airstrip, heading east of the city towards Evosmo. In times when everyone calculates the minimum expense that comes out of his budget, we "listen" to your needs and orient our services to the benefit of your budget. We are turning our expertise into car refurbishment repair services offering you a cheap and reliable solution in contrary to the expensive "new" one. We strive for the best possible service to our clientele by updating our equipment, knowledge and benefits to you.
Proper maintenance of a car is a prerequisite for longevity and smooth operation of the engine and its electrical parts. Whoever your car manufacturer is, if you are a regular and make the right choices for the engineers you trust with it, it will be in excellent condition for many years. Contact us for anything that concerns you.
We offer you electronic repair services on your car electric pats:
- Periodic maintenance with quality parts and consumables
- Full car electrical coverage (installation and repair)
- Diagnostics and repair of electronic faults DTC (Check Engine) with high tech diagnostic modules
- Programming and Coding of Electronic Modules
- Check, Maintenance and Decontamination of your A/C System
- Sound Systems- Car Alarm Systems- Electric Windows
- Batteries- Starters- Alternators- Park Tronic - Xenon & LED Lights
- Car Accessories
- Check, Repair and Disabling of Immobilizer in every type or brand of your ECU (IMMO OFF)
- Periodic maintenance with quality parts and consumables
- Full car electrical coverage (installation and repair)
- Diagnostics and repair of electronic faults DTC (Check Engine) with high tech diagnostic modules
- Programming and Coding of Electronic Modules
- Check, Maintenance and Decontamination of your A/C System
- Sound Systems- Car Alarm Systems- Electric Windows
- Batteries- Starters- Alternators- Park Tronic - Xenon & LED Lights
- Car Accessories
- Check, Repair and Disabling of Immobilizer in every type or brand of your ECU (IMMO OFF)
Επισκευή / Ανακατασκευή
- Καρτών εκκίνησης/ Ηλεκτρικών Κλειδιών
- Ηλεκτρονικού πίνακα ελέγχου οργάνων (dashboard)
- Κολώνας τιμονιού
- Κλειδαριών κολώνας τιμονιού
- Ηλεκτρικού χειρόφρενου
- Περιστροφικού διακόπτη συστημάτων AIRBAG
- Εγκεφάλων αυτοκινήτου ECU
- Ηλεκτρονικών συστημάτων
- Πλεξούδας καλωδίωσης
- Μονάδα Ελέγχου Καμπίνας BSI
- Ασφαλειοθήκης
- Καρτοδέκτη εκκίνησης
- Διακόπτη παραθύρων
- Ηλεκτρικών τιμονιών
- Αντικατάσταση αισθητήρων
- Καρτών εκκίνησης/ Ηλεκτρικών Κλειδιών
- Ηλεκτρονικού πίνακα ελέγχου οργάνων (dashboard)
- Κολώνας τιμονιού
- Κλειδαριών κολώνας τιμονιού
- Ηλεκτρικού χειρόφρενου
- Περιστροφικού διακόπτη συστημάτων AIRBAG
- Εγκεφάλων αυτοκινήτου ECU
- Ηλεκτρονικών συστημάτων
- Πλεξούδας καλωδίωσης
- Μονάδα Ελέγχου Καμπίνας BSI
- Ασφαλειοθήκης
- Καρτοδέκτη εκκίνησης
- Διακόπτη παραθύρων
- Ηλεκτρικών τιμονιών
- Αντικατάσταση αισθητήρων
Παρέχουμε ΕΓΓΥΗΣΗ ΕΝΟΣ ΕΤΟΥΣ στις επισκευές και ανακατασκευές που αναλαμβάνουμε, διότι πέραν της επιθυμίας ικανοποίησης του πελάτη μας, θεωρούμε πως η υπευθυνότητα είναι βασικό χαρακτηριστικό των σωστών επαγγελματιών.